Monday, January 19, 2009

The Latest

Ah, what wonders that lie within those mysterious thrift stores? Could you find a lovely pair of girly pants to claim your place among the latest trendsetters? A Super Nintendo in near mint condition for a paltry five dollars (Check eBay kids, it ain't that cheap)? Or what about beautiful old Fisher Phono/Stereo combo?

That's right, this blanched biped has unearthed a behemoth. This monstrosity is packing heat.
A 33/45 turntable, AM/FM/FM stereo receiver, six-band Equalizer, not one, not three, but TWO cassette tape decks, and Dolby Noise Reduction, all crammed into a faux-wood finish enclosure. Did I mention this thing's awesome?

It's in fine working order as it is, but what could we possibly do to make it better? Case modifications aside, my first thought was to turn the thing into a guitar amp, or at the very least a preamp. Maybe I could add a few gears to make it run around the room instead of playing a record? Wouldn't be too difficult, but I'd love to have the turntable still work, and play audio in it's appropriate crackly goodness. I suppose it'd have to be able to fit in a small space too, with my living quarters being a tad limited.

But I digress.

First thing's first, we need to know how it works. I'll post pictures and notes of the techno-carnage along the way. Also, feel free to follow me, or chat via Twitter*!

*Note: I'm just getting my twitter account set up, so I'll post links to that in a bit.

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